How can people share your content?

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Image Sharing Marketing Blog 3Metas

Every time you write a post, you are expecting everyone share your content, read it and interacts immediately to make it viral. That’s ambition and we all look for it. But it doesn’t go that easy even for the marketers, who post constantly and see viral hits only once or twice a year. First of all, you need to follow some steps before, like making sure what the audience wants to read and if you are really giving them that content.

After a while, you wonder how increase the sharing number to reach more people and get noticed on the web? What can I do to step it up? If you produce compelling, well-written content, everything else comes naturally.

Content is all, but usually is more than just a writing ability. It’s about building relationships, where an exchange could be an agreement. Win to win. They share your content and you recommend them. Influencers are very helpful in this case if they see the potential for your work to bring them, even more visit, they for sure will support you.

We show you some methods to share your content and make it viral:

  • Add share buttons. If you want to be read, add as many share buttons as you can, at least one or two. Enough to get user’s attention and motivate them to share the content. An influencer could be helpful here, share their content and they will, fortunately, share back if they consider interesting for their followers. Consistency is the key.
  • Share in a creative way. Sharing content in an original way will make things easier. When you share content from other blog or website, add your point of view into it, your followers want to know why they should be reading it, the benefits of it.
  • Use attractive images. A good image always gets user’s eyes and this is the reason of most people feel motivated to share content. Sometimes they don´t even read all article, with only reading the first three lines and watching the picture they would decide to share or not.
  • Talk about others. Recognize people’s job in the industry is a nice way to increase the sharing numbers.
  • Be positive and successful. Build relationships based on a healthy competition where both win and grow together. Who knows if it could be a lasting friendship?

Do you have any other idea to improve the content share? What strategy has been working for you?